The Girl - Stories: Trip to Mexico 4

The stay was very pleasant. Before the end of it …

The Girl - Stories: Trip to Mexico 2

--- "I don't know if she will fit in, Penny." ---…

The Girl - Stories: Trip to Mexico 3

After they arrived in Mexico, her mother took her…

The Girl - Stories: Trip to Mexico 1

Lilly arrived with her mother on the airport. Her…


Tom awoke to the delicious feeling of Julie kneel…

The Store

This Story evolved from a Role Play with a friend…

Stories of Davis Hall 3: Fingered

(...the day before) “So, Brook, I understand …

Snow story

Chapter 1 Turning, he slammed the door and stepp…

Her story

She was an ordinary girl or so you would think. S…

Pet Story

Pet Story There she was again. She always…