The BBQ_(1)

Amy the 16 year old daughter of a friend was stay…

a night to remember_(11)

Well all it has been a bit since I have posted on…

My Masters Puppet

My Masters Puppet Chapter 1: A Costly Mistake…

Losing Leah

I glanced once more at the time on the dashboard,…

The Road to Kinky

My wife and I have been married for a good long t…

The first Ride along

It all started when Aden asked if he could ride o…

The Day Dreams of a Lonely Girl

Open to Comments, Enjoy! ____________ It had bee…

Janice Blows

Nobody acts like this. Or do they? Porn girls…

Thanks Dr. Joe

Thank You Dr. Joe Meeting for drinks after w…

Taking pictures_(0)

I won't tell you how it started but I'll tell you…