The Trials of Valeriya: Back in Bonds; Chapter 1/15

Note: The writer of this story is "Eldest The Thi…

Older people need love to_(0)

1. A loss and then I move. It had been a ro…

Leben 4

Angelika - Like an angel Truda - Fighting woman V…

Matt: The Hypnotist_(3)

16/12/2016 Edit: This story has been (for now, an…

For the Love of Lana 3

I stood there clutching the official stamped lett…

I took my drunk girlfriend dogging

My girlfriend and I have been together for three …

A guy and his...? 49 Desperation_(1)

Jake Freemon - Main character                    …

Lost Empire 62

0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace …