
It’s so neat because no one knows I am doing it. …

Father's Seduction

--- --- ----- --- --- “Ohhh! Faster,” my mother s…


Addiction, most choose Drugs, Alcohol or Gambling…


Fascination By Samantha G. My Mom, and Da…


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Eroticara: World of Fantasy Part Two

The door to the cabin swung open. Just as I had f…

Castlewars faction

Castle-Wars FlamingFury7 Dionicic xXCodeaXx Sven_…

HONEY: ebony erotica

After I parted ways with Susan, the pendulum of m…

The Spaces Between ( Supernatural Fanfiction Dean/Jo)

Jo slid the cleaning rod down the barrel of the r…


“Nefronians rejoice as the long war ended just tw…