The Studio xxx

Arthur was the 20 year old owner of a porn studio…

SonAmy sex story

Hello my name is the blue blur some may know me a…

Random Sex Story

A few weekends ago, on a lark, my buddies and I d…

Sex with a sex story fan

I had started posting stories on this site and I …

Vanilla Sex Story

This is a boy/girl one, just a chill sex story, n…

A Norwegian Sex Story

I’m Kai Jorgensen, I am a thirteen years Old Norw…

Another Rough Sex Story

I’ve written two previous stories about my wife’s…

Amy's Story

Amy was just 20 years old, blonde haired and pret…

Ana's Story

Ana, my GF, and I were in bed after I'd had a lon…

Annas story

I've sat huddled on this bench, shivering for the…